As mothers we have strong options on how we feel our children should be raised. On any given topic we have an opinion, a story, some advice, or warning. There is plenty of room to disagree and many do . . . loudly and with enthusiasm. But one place where all mothers can agree, one point where we feel there is no room for disagreement is that we want our children to feel loved and we want them to be happy.

Alexa's mother, Kari, and I talked months ago and started planning Alexa's sweet 16 photoshoot. When I asked Kari why she wanted to do this for Alexa she said, "Because I want her to feel special. It's not every day you turn 16. It's a big deal. The pictures we have of her are nice but we want her to have something special to remember this time in her life."

And so Alexa's photoshoot day came and she was glorious! Alexa is sweetness personified. She is quiet but its not the quiet where she doesn't know what to say. It's more the quiet that comes from deep thought and contemplation. Alexa is always thinking before she speaks. I think she's wise enough to know her words have power. While Alexa is quiet her smile is loud and bright and constant. Her resting face is happiness. Her ever present smile put me at ease and warmed my heart.

All the while as I photographed Alexa, Kari was near by, gasping at the beauty of her daughter and encouraging her magnificent looks. Do you know how wonderful it is to hear that? A mother encouraging and supporting her daughter. The sore feelings that can develop between a mother and a daughter are all too well known. To see and witness something completely the opposite puts a smile on my face.

"Where did my baby go?" I heard Kari say more than once. And more than once I though, "She's still here. She's just in the process of becoming everything you are teaching her." Alexa is goodness. She is kind. She is smart. She is thoughtful. And she is filled with a beauty that will last longer than if it were just on the surface. Alexa is real beauty. "Where did she learn this?" You may ask. She learned it from these women.

She is surround by women who laugh often, serve others, care for one another, and seek out happiness for those they love most. Alexa is becoming what she is surrounded by, love and happiness.

Truly, photographing you Alexa was an experience I'll remember always. Cheers to your 16 tuns around the sun. Keep smiling and keep on keepin' on. Love, Melinda
Photography Studio in Athens PA.
Serving Athens Pennsylvania, Towanda Pennsylvania, Corning New York, and Twin Tiers area.