Shea and I first connected within 15 minutes of one another. She messaged me via email like a total professional and I messaged her via Instagram, most likely full of excessive exclamation points, like a stalker.
Shortly after that we talked and I knew, I KNEW, she was a missing link for me. Nows she’s one of my skilled makeup artists and I couldn’t be more thankful.
Honestly, I felt like as much as I needed her anyone who gets to have her skills and magic worked on them would also need her . . . and not just because she’s an amazing makeup artist.
Shea has done it all.
And she’s seen more than most.
There is this beautiful way she connects when she talks with people. It’s this calming softness full of smiles and reassuring kindness. Like she knows life is hard and she’s just proud you showed up.
When she looks at you it’s with depth. No shallow glances but a straight forward fearlessness in her gaze.
Talking with Shea always makes me feel as though the world is a brighter place. Shea will tell me things she learned and how she’s become who she is. She shares this beautiful depth of wisdom and it makes me feel like true contentment and peace is right there.
I’ve shot with Shea as she smiled at women in front of my camera, moved prices of hair just as I was reaching for them, reading my mind in what to do next and moving just into place just as I was. She’s encouraged, clapped, and cheered the women we serve.
She motivates them, tells them they are beautiful, and gasps with me when we create something magical!
Shea is light on difficult days.
She’s a comforting book or a bit of music that soothes a troubled soul.
Mostly, she’s an amazing friend, a truthful confidant, and an outstanding creative partner.
You Shea, are remarkable . . . and I’m forever and ever thankful for good friends that connect good friends.
Photography Studio in Athens PA. Serving Athens, Sayre Pennsylvania, Towanda Pennsylvania, Corning New York, and Twin Tiers area.
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