Nikki is cool. She's a bikini competitor and a fitness instructor. She's strong and smart and kind.
And I mean really kind. Kindness and authenticity are some of my favorite attributes. Luckily for me, Nikki has those in abundance. Every conversation with her is filled with enthusiasm. She's thoughtful and encouraging.
And when she looks at you . . . wow! Her attention grabs hold and she's just all in at that moment.

Nikkie's story as a woman of worth and value was years in the making. It's one of those stories that reminds us there is more to life than simply looking good or playing 'the part'. There is something deeper we need to reach for, something soul-filling and lasting.

Nikki's story:
"My fitness journey started with just wanting to improve my overall health. I was underweight and wanted to be and look stronger.
There are so many misconceptions of health, and we are saturated with it everyday. “Bread is bad” “Sugar is bad” etc. until I started taking the time to research and experiment with a lot of trial and error on my own, I believed these things too.
When I started seeing real results with a Carbs, fat, and protein balance, I began competing in 2015 in National Bodybuilding Competitions. After competing for three years, I started to notice an increase in my physical health but a decrease in my emotional health.
Severe depression and anxiety crept in to steal what happiness I had. At the time I had little faith, I didn’t believe God wasn’t real... I just had never encountered him. At my low time after 3 back to back competitions I was burnt out and asking for more out of my life. I picked up a bible one day in the store and just started reading it. I had no expectations, but God met me through one of the hardest times thus far. He became a priority over everything else, including fitness.

The void I felt was filled by Him. Because of this, my self as a person and my fitness journey has improved immensely. I have lost pride, ego, vanity, and I no longer act out of emotion or for validation because I’m already validated by the highest.
I always thought “I’m the one working in the gym, I’m doing the work”, and that’s true but I’ve been blessed with the health, the drive, the passion, and the spirit to keep moving forward every day in my life.
I give glory to God for giving me wisdom when I needed it the most. Because of my faith, I have joy and peace knowing I can get through anything because I have Him on my side. I will also never take for granted my health and the temple he has given to make my own and cherish."

Nikki truly is a woman who does the work. She walks the walk.
She truly is a woman of divine worth and eternal value.
My heart is fuller having met Nikki.
I'm truly thankful for her and her story.
Love, Melinda
Photography Studio in Athens PA.
Serving Athens, Sayre Pennsylvania, Towanda Pennsylvania, Corning New York, and Twin Tiers area.