I have a waiting list for people who are patiently waiting to book and be photographed by me. Lindsey has been on said waiting list for over 3 months. When I talked to her and began prepping her photoshoot one of the questions I asked her was 'why'. "Why do you want to be photographed?" I always ask this question to every single person I photograph. I want to know their reason for coming to me. I want to see them and their desires more clearly. Lindsey said, "Because I want beautiful pictures of myself. I want to see pictures of myself and love how Iook." Isn't that so real? How incredibly honest. This is all of us. Not one person says they want a bad picture of themself. Not one person says they want pictures that highlight their 'flaws'. We all want what Lindsey wanted- to see our beauty. I also asked Lindsey what she loves about herself. Yeah. Hard question, right? Yet, Lindsey took it in stride. She told me she liked her eyes because when the light hits them they were more hazel. She likes her hair because of its color. And she likes her 'cute, pocket-rocket' (totally my term) size because it fits who she is. Lindsey also made a point to talk to me about how she just likes who she is. She's unique and she knows it. She's quiet and laid back. She prefers being at home to going out. She reads books like we should drink water. And she has a special love of second hand, oversized, retro sweaters. Lindsey is purely herself and I am so thankful to know her. I'm so thankful that she was brave enough to be honest because that's not easy. Some people find it painfully difficult to say anything kind about themselves, let alone anything they love. They . . . we, forget to love ourselves and appreciate who we are. Thankfully, Lindsey still sees her own beauty and uniqueness. And she loves herself enough to talk how she's different. What a gift she is! Lindsey's photoshoot day came and, because I'm a hopeless romantic, we convinced her boyfriend, Ben, to come. Thankfully he's such a trooper and willingly took great BTS footage for me.

Lindsey wait for over three months for me to photograph her so I knew she would be excited to see her pictures. I wanted her to love them! I wanted to to love herself more when she saw them!

And every time she sees her pictures, I hope she remembers how truly beautiful she is.

Finally, the last question I asked Lindsay was how she felt seeing her portraits.
She said, "I have been so excited waiting to see these photos. Excited for myself, for Ben, and for my family to see them. When I saw my pictures I literally couldn’t believe that it was me, but it was me! I felt so beautiful in them and I couldn’t believe my eyes with how beautiful I looked. I loved how you captured all the features of my body and face. You captured my freckles and my body shape and even my eyes, which I love now. I actually almost cried while seeing these photos which probably sounds crazy, but that’s just how happy I was! Thank you so much!"
I am honored every single time someone I photograph loves themselves more when they see their pictures. This is why portraits matter.
THIS is why you matter.
Stay posted because there is more to see of the beautiful Lindsay and her wonderfully boyfriend, Ben! Love, Melinda
Photography Studio in Athens PA.
Serving Athens Pennsylvania, Towanda Pennsylvania, Corning New York, and Twin Tiers area.