Photoshoots are hard work. Add in dance and holding poses that you would normally flow through and it becomes a complete workout. Thankfully, Madelyn was more than enthusiastic about the work she was doing.

I believe that just because we love something that doesn't always make it easy. There are still hard days, long days, and days we wonder if we should have started in the first place.
We will still question.
We will still wonder if its worth it.
And we will wonder if we are up to the task.
No, loving things doesn't make them easy . . . but it does make us appreciate the blood, sweat, and tears that we put in.
Enjoy Madelyn's behind the scenes video as you watch her hard work in action and see what it takes to get a beautiful dance portrait.
Love, Melinda
Photography Studio in Athens PA.
Serving Athens Pennsylvania, Towanda Pennsylvania, Corning New York, and Twin Tiers area.